Our Funnel Bots automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your team's time and energy to focus on high-value activities. With pre-built templates and easy customization, you can set up your bots in minutes and start seeing results right away.
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Funnel Bots are little recipes that can be used to easily extend the functionality of Infusionsoft.
What is the Check Number Bot?
The Check Number bot will check a phone number and country with the telephone carriers for that country to determine if the number is valid.
If it is, it will also check what type of number it is (i.e. mobile, landline, etc.).
It will then place the number into the proper Phone field as indicated.
What is the Add Time Bot?
Adds time to a field in increments of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years to a field and updates the contact record.
What is the Proper Bot?
The Proper Bot will set the value of a field to proper case. Whether you have field values that come into your Infusionsoft App in ALL CAPS or all lowercase, you can correctly capitalize the field value. this is especially good for name fields.
What is the Big Spender Bot?
The Big Spender Bot will determine the total spent by a contact for a given time range and save the value to the contact record.
Optionally, a tag may be applied if the value is greater than a target amount.
What is the Date Tag Bot?
The Date Tag Bot creates if necessary and then applies a tag corresponding to the date in a field. This means if you want to tag a contact with the day of the week they bought, this bot will do it.
What Is the Field is Empty Bot
Check if a field is empty and apply a tag if it is.
What is the Mass Tagging Bot
Add or remove a tag from contacts with a specific tag.
What is the Move It Bot
The Move It Bot will copy a value from one field to another in the contact record.
If you have custom fields that can be regularly saved over, you can first move that data out to a different field. This works great for contact surveys that you run multiple times for contacts.
What is the Task Bot
The Task Bot can create a task, appointment or note for a contact record.
What is a task? How can you make an appointment (linking to other features)? How do you add stuff using the Task Bot?
What are Calculation Bots
Addition Bot: Adds two values found in fields and saves the result to a field in the contact record.
Subtraction Bot: Subtracts the second value from the first as obtained from fields in the contact record and saves the result to the contact.
Average Bot: Determine the average value of a field in contacts with a given tag and save it to the contact record.
Division Bot: Divides the first value by the second as obtained from fields in the contact record and saves the result to the contact.
Multiplication Bot: Multiply two values found in fields and saves the result to a field in the contact record.
What Is the Transaction Count Bot
The Transaction Count Bot saves the total number of transactions for a contact during a given time range to the contact record.
What is the Transaction Average Bot
The Transaction Average Bot saves the average transaction value for a contact during a given time range to the contact record.
This allows you to see who your most active and most valuable customers are within the desired time period.
This can be a great asset in determining an audience to sync to Facebook Custom Audiences, or for direct marketing to this group of customers.
What is the Note Pad Bot?
The Note Pad Bot allows you to append a field value to the contact's note pad.
What is the Airtable Bot?
The Airtable Bot will transfer data from Infusionsoft to Airtable Bases.
This can be done by easily entering in your field names with "AT+" and just copying and pasting the Airtable Base Id, Table Name and API Key into the proper fields.
What is the Zoom Register Bot?
The Zoom Register Bot allows you to register contacts for Zoom webinars.
This bot will place the registrant's unique link in the contact record and then tag them as registered, making it easier for you to see who has registered for your webinar.
What is the Slack Bot?
The Slack Bot can a message to the Slack user or channel designated.
What is the Last Invoice Bot?
The Last Invoice Bot gets the total of the last invoice charged on the contact record.
What is the Opportunity Advance Bot?
Move all opportunities associated with a contact to the designated stage.
What is the Counter Bot?
The Counter Bot takes an initial value and will increment that value by one and save to the contact record.
Optionally, the count may be advanced by any number provided, positive or negative, and a tag may be applied if greater than a target amount.
What is the Name Splitter Bot?
When a full name is saved to the First Name field, the Name Splitter Bot will split the name and save the first name to the First Name field and the rest of the name to the Last Name field.
What is the Revenue Report Bot?
The Revenue Report Bot searches for all contacts who spent money in the past month and returns a count of customers who spent money, the average transaction size and total spent across all customers in that month.
The most important metrics have to do with revenue, so this is extremely important.
What is the Affiliate Namer Bot?
The Affiliate Namer Bot can save the name of the current referring affiliate of a contact to a field in the contact record and applies a tag to indicate that the contact was or was not affiliated to a referral partner.
What is the Tag by Field Bot?
The Tag by Field Bot creates a tag if it doesn't exist from the value in a contact field and applies the tag to the contact record.
What is the You Are Number Bot?
The You Are Number Bot saves the number of contacts with a designated tag plus one to a field in the contact record.
With this bot, you can keep track of how many contacts have a tag without having to dig around in Infusionsoft for that information.
You can even set this bot up with a recurring process in the campaign builder with a text to deliver to you the number of contacts that have a tag applied.
What is the Friendly Date Bot?
When Infusionsoft saves a date, it is formatted in a hard-to-read way. It would be better to have a date in an easy-to-read format that is appropriate for my needs.
The Friendly Date Bot converts Infusionsoft's machine-friendly date format into a human-friendly one and saves it to the contact.
What is the Duplicate Bot?
The Duplicate Bot identifies duplicate contact records by the phone fields.
Infusionsoft already offers tools to identify duplicate contacts based off name, email, and phone 1, but this uses ALL the phone fields to find duplicate contacts and tags and marks them for manual merging
What is the Order Item Quantity Bot?
Set the quantity total of an invoice with one product and save it to the contact record.
What is the Balance Due Bot?
The Balance Due Bot will determine the total due on existing invoices for a given time range on a contact record and save the value to the contact record.
Optionally a tag may be applied if the value is greater than a target amount. (How would this be beneficial?)
Balance due is displayed as a positive number with this bot.
What is the Date Difference Bot?
will interest site visitors. For example, if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
What is the Tag Difference Bot?
The Tag Difference Bot determines the difference in time between when two tags were set on a contact record and save the result in the time unit indicated to the contact record.
What is the Mash Fields Bot?
Combine two fields and if both are not empty, place a combining value between them.
What is the Auto Merge Bot?
The Auto Merge Bot will automatically merge contacts that have the same email address following Infusionsoft's default merge rules.
Does this only work with email addresses? What are Infusionsoft's default merge rules?
What is the Referral Count Bot?
The Referral Count Bot saves the total referrals generated by a contact to their contact record.
What is the Saved Search Count Bot?
The Saved Search Count Bot saves the number of contacts in a designated saved search.
What is the Tag Date Bot?
The Tag Date Bot saves the date and time a tag are applied to a contact in a contact field.
What is the Social Bot?
The Social Bot checks social networks for profiles associated with the email address provided.
Privacy concerns?
It will then save profile names, urls, images, and more to the contract record.
Unlike the rest of the bots, Social Bot does have an additional cost. But, at 2 cents per successful report
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